How we can help

MLS Laser Treatment
MLS Laser Therapy is a safe, non-invasive and painless therapy for the treatment of pain, inflammation and swelling. Laser therapy can be used to treat muscle spasm and pain, hip and knee pain, sports injuries and more.
Laser therapy safely and painlessly uses light to help reduce pain, inflammation and swelling to help promote healing. Supported by Melton Borough Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Sometimes, the skin around the toenail gets broken, infection sets in and your body goes into overdrive trying to heal it. At that point, no amount of antibiotics can bring about resolution and physical intervention is required. We offer a permanent solution with our Nail Surgery Package:
Procedure performed under local anaesthetic
2 x follow-up redressing appointments
Dressings provided for care at home
Antiseptic spray for the very best aftercare at home
Limbo waterproof sleeve for keeping the area dry post-operatively when bathing
£350 for a single nail (+£50 per additional nail up to a max of 4 in one session)
Ingrowing Toenails

Caused by the Human Papilloma Virus, these benign lesions may or may not cause pain, though in many cases cause individuals to restrict certain activities through feeling self-conscious. We can help.
SWIFT microwave technology provides the most effective solution on the market, boasting an 80% resolution rate compared to 50% resolution rate with all other modalities, making it our go-to treatment since 2018. Treatments are quick and do not require any dressings, lotions or potions to be applied. Thorough assessment is required before any treatment is started. A typical start point for treatment is 3 x SWIFT treatments, one-month apart and then a follow-up review 12 weeks later.
Find out more about Swift Microwave Therapy here
£125 per treatment
Verrucae & Warts

Gait Analysis and Bespoke Orthotics
Our state of the art Foot Scan technology allows us to see gait issues in much greater detail, so we better understand the way you move and how this impacts your day-to-day. Phits custom 3D-printed orthoses are designed and made especially for you, directly from your dynamic scan and are the orthotic of choice for many Team GB athletes.
Payment plans for devices available.
Initial Consultation £67
Phits 3D-printed Orthoses £300/pair
Fitting & Review Free
Pain in the heel can have various causes and may range from a day to day niggle to a life-limiting pain resulting in reduction in activities and time off work. We can assess, diagnose and offer a range of treatments from footwear advice to bespoke orthotics, stretching and strengthening exercises to shockwave therapy. All treatment plans will be tailored to your specific needs.
Initial Consultation £67
Follow-up Treatment £50
Follow-up Check £20
Shockwave Therapy £75 per treatment
Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Pain

We demand a great deal from our achilles tendon - its healthy function is essential in ensuring we can lift our heel from the ground to walk, run, dance and play! So if yours has been causing some pain and discomfort during activity it may require a little TLC. This may include gait analysis, bespoke orthotics, shockwave therapy or rehabilitation exercises to get you back to pain-free function.
Initial Consultation £67
Follow-up Consultation £50
Follow-up Check £20
Shockwave Therapy £75 per treatment
Achilles Tendinopathy

Whether you love your feet or hate them, there is no ignoring them when they start to hurt. Having comfortable feet is a must in order to stay upright and active. Not quite sure what is going on? A consultation is the best starting point to get to the bottom of things.
Initial Consultation £67
Follow-up Consultation £50
Painful Feet

Fungal infections of the skin and nails can be a real irritation to people in more ways than one. We provide a thorough service of assessment, rapid in-house testing (5-10 minutes for a 97% accurate result), treatment plan and monitoring.
Initial Consultation £67
Testing £30
Follow-up treatment appointments £50
Fungal Toenails & Athlete's Foot
Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, it is of vital importance to have your feet screened once a year to monitor any changes that come about as a result of the disease process. This ensures that you are getting the most appropriate care and advice to prevent long-term complications. Without the need for any invasive equipment we are able to check the following and send this information on to your GP:
Blood pressure
Oxygen saturation to the toes
Quality of the pulses to the feet
Heart rhythm
Sensations to the feet
Dermatological changes
Bony changes
£33.50 for a 30 minute appointment
Diabetic Feet

Various conditions can manifest themselves in the feet. Feet can have their very own menu of common complaints but may also provide all sorts of information that can indicate other underlying systemic health conditions. If you have spotted a new lump, bump, change or rash then we can help. Come and see us for a consultation for thorough assessment.
Initial Consultation £67
Follow-up Consultation £50
Skin Complaints, Lumps & Bumps

Hard skin formation in all its guises, under the ball of the foot, around the heel, between the toes can cause a lot of discomfort. Whether it be a tiny lesion or the entire sole, the impact on your life as a result of developing these lesions should not be underestimated. Reduction of these lesions and advice on preventing or slowing redevelopment can provide a world of relief!
Initial Consultation £67
Follow-up Consultation £50
Corns & Calluses

Book Your Appointment

We Offer the Following Treatments
Nail Surgery
SWIFT Microwave Therapy
EMS Swiss Dolorclast Shockwave Therapy
Bespoke Orthotics & Gait Analysis
Diabetic Foot Screening
Fungal Nail Testing
General Foot Care & Advice
Happy Clients
‘First class advice. Treatment for Achilles heel damage was excellent and resulted in complete recovery after suffering for months and trying various other remedies.’
'Excellent explanation of the process and expectations. Personal service with great communication from Katy - tailored treatment depending on what I could tolerate and the progress since my previous appointment. Very comfortable and friendly environment.'
'So glad to have stuck with the process. No more being embarrassed about my feet - will be proudly going barefoot from now on! Thank you!’
'As it was my first appointment I was informed that it was policy and protocol to carryout a brief, painless non invasive assessment....Susan Nourish, the registered practitioner expressed a little concern at the initial I recorded an exceptionally high reading and she rang the NHS 111 help line to discuss the findings. The short answer to the dialogue was that an immediate emergency trip to hospital was declared as everything pointed towards an imminent heart attack/stroke. I received excellent emergency care requiring an overnight stay at an NHS hospital and having received a variety of medications was discharged the following evening.
I am extremely happy to report that life has returned to a more normal pace and that is undoubtedly due to the thoroughly professional, highly qualified, diligence and care demonstrated by this dedicated team. You are the BEST..’